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Education for All - social issues poster series.

This series of posters was designed for my New Media Design Elements I final project, the subject matter being a selected social issue. I chose to design for the Education for All cause.
I am a passionate advocate for Education for All / equality in having an education, especially having volunteered for the cause previously. Thus, I decided to go back to the roots, and thought about an object symbolic of school (pencil), something that restricts or that noone would touch willingly (barbed wire), and a medium (traditional ink drawing + digital art). 
The first poster below is the final submission, and the posters below are a series that stems from that submission.
The idea of barbed wire did not come until a later iteration of my idea. I had originally planned to incorporate real objects, but through iteration, it was clear that I had to re-think my plan of action.
I began with a "barrier" built out of writing utensils, then to a less cluttered iteration of a hand with no pencil, the last of which resembles the final solution the closest.
The Series 
The posters below are a series that stemmed from the idea as a whole. I had initially penned in "Let Them Learn" as a title, but in the final submission left the graphic to do the talking. I explored more school-related imagery below, but I felt that the symbol of a pencil was the strongest.

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