Get Educated! | Infographic Design
An infographic on and call to action for universal primary education.
I am a strong advocate for Education for All, and in line with that sentiment, I produced an infographic for my Elements course, to highlight the current standing of universal primary education, and encourage donations from readers/viewers.

The project went through many iterations and phases in terms of both information and design. The images below detail the steps of the process.
The first part of the process involved research and sketches of concepts/layout/graphic elements.

Initially verbose and unclear, the storyline of my persuasive infographic was meant to create a lasting impact on my audience, which are my peers.
As it turned out, critique had me re-think the content and how to present in a palatable manner.

The first final draft of my infographic was sleek, yet the storyline still had issues. There were mismatched graphical elements, and all in all could have been better, not just aesthetically.
I decided to dedicate time to re-thinking the message and the approach to presenting information, first by vocally explaining the message and facts to a friend (rubber ducky), and then laying out graphics that corresponded to the information as concisely as possible.

The final piece turned out to be much more light-hearted and colourful, to serve as a friendly reminder rather than accusatory.